Alert email subject titles

I know this may sound strange but can the subject of the alert email be changed around a bit....
for example one alert I have just had has the subject
"SQL Monitor–458842 | devsql-uk01 > (local) | Long-running query (Raised - Low)"
In my Outlook view, the subject column isn't quite wide enough to fit the whole text and generally gets truncated off just after the server name - I have to click each email to get the full title in the reading pane. The two pieces of information that are of most importance (to me) are server name and alert severity. To be honest the alert ID is pretty useless, so is the text "SQL Monitor" as the from address tells me it is a SQL Monitor alert.
Make any sense?
for example one alert I have just had has the subject
"SQL Monitor–458842 | devsql-uk01 > (local) | Long-running query (Raised - Low)"
In my Outlook view, the subject column isn't quite wide enough to fit the whole text and generally gets truncated off just after the server name - I have to click each email to get the full title in the reading pane. The two pieces of information that are of most importance (to me) are server name and alert severity. To be honest the alert ID is pretty useless, so is the text "SQL Monitor" as the from address tells me it is a SQL Monitor alert.
Make any sense?
Thanks a lot for your feedback.
The reason for having SQL Monitor at the start in subject was that we received feedback from users where they wanted to use outlook rule. Also, few users wanted the alert id in subject so that ones they have dealt with alert then they can delete the email looking at alert id in the subject.
Having said all that I do get the point that you dont want to open each email to see the most important information about the alert. Do you think that something on this line will work better for you?
"SM devsql-uk01 > (local) | Long-running query (Raised - Low) | 458842"
Project Manager
Red Gate Software
I understand it's difficult pleasing everyone!
I would say the Outlook rule is easily done by the 'from' address - but that's probably just the way I have set it up.
The example you gave does work better for me.
The ultimate solution would be a user-configurable email title using placeholders like
but that will be wayyyyyyy down your priority list.
Riley Waterhouse Limited
Twitter: @kevriley
Thanks for confirming. We will try to modify this for next release. Regarding configurable email subject, they are quite difficult to implement. We are reviewing email functionality for next release and will try our best to improve this.
Thanks and regards,
Project Manager
Red Gate Software